Thanks for the feedback. I will check to see if there's some way to query 
for capabilities, but I doubt it, given the client code. 

The client code does most of this version checking in one class, so that 
seems localized enough and I think it will be straight forward. Maybe if I 
stumble on a better way to do this, I'll share.


On Thursday, July 11, 2019 at 3:09:09 AM UTC-10, Greg Hendershott wrote:
> Some systems provide a way to query for a capability: COM has 
> QueryInterface, Racket dynamic-require, Emacs fboundp, and so on. When 
> such a query method is available, you can simply ask for the thing you 
> need or prefer. If it's available, great. If not, act appropriately: 
> Fail, or use your own "back fill" that does something similar or is just 
> a no-op, or whatever is appropriate. 
> [IMHO this is more sensible than using version numbers as proxies for 
> the thing you really care about. Especially lawyerly systems like 
> so-called semantic versioning. But I digress. :)] 
> The Racket flavor is something like the following. Let's say 
> some/module/path maybe has a new fribble function. If that's not 
> present, or if indeed that whole module isn't even installed, we want to 
> use our own our-fribble function as a default: 
>     (define (our-fribble _x) 
>       'some-default-value) 
>     (define fribble 
>       (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ _ our-fribble)]) 
>         (dynamic-require 'some/module/path 
>                          'fribble))) 
> For example, I use this and also Emacs' fboundp in Racket Mode, to 
> support various versions of Racket and Emacs, both. 
> I don't know if/how this would help your case. Their API uses the 
> futzing-with-version-numbers approach. Even so, _maybe_ you'd want to 
> localize the version number checks in one module, which provides the 
> functions for your other code to use? The functions will end up being 
> either the real broker thing, or your own default. 

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