Well! While I am sure that everyone at RacketCon has already discussed this to 
death, and I’m sure there has been plenty of support to counterbalance the 
tomato-throwing, let me be the first to say something positive on the mailing 
list so the optics from here aren’t so gloomy: I find this idea extremely 
exciting. :) It’s a surprise, for sure, but I will not be doing any panicking.

I don’t have any significant commentary right now, given how vague and 
open-ended the direction still is, but I am excited by the idea of continuing 
the Honu line of research. I, too, don’t mind parentheses, but after straddling 
the Haskell and Racket communities for a few years, I’ll happily defend the 
readability advantages of a more irregular syntax. I keep coming back to Racket 
because nothing lets me extend the language like Racket does, but if I could 
get that kind of flexibility and robustness without s-expressions? It sounds 
hard to achieve, but if Racket can pull it off (and I am confident Racket can 
do it as well as anyone), I doubt I would do much looking back.

If anything, the one thing I’m disappointed about is that I could not be at 
RacketCon this year, as it seems like it’s been a bad one to miss, but it’s 
been fun to follow everything as best as I can from the sidelines. Many thanks 
to everyone who’s had a part in the organizing, speaking, recording, and 
streaming! I look forward to seeing where this goes.


> On Jul 14, 2019, at 21:29, Matthew Flatt <mfl...@cs.utah.edu> wrote:
> tl;dr DON'T PANIC
> At RacketCon today, after summarizing the state of work on Racket CS, I
> recommended that we next explore the possibly of changing to an
> infix-oriented syntax in "Racket2".
> You can find the recording here:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnz6y5U0tFs
> Start at 32:27 for the part about what Racket2 could be.
> I'll produce a text version of the rationale soon. For now, I'd like to
> offer a few clarifications:
> * There is no specific proposal for a new syntax, yet. Our next step
>   will be creating a process to explore a possible new syntax.
> * The talk does include some initial constraints that might guide the
>   choice of a syntax. Even that meta level (i.e., the set of
>   constraints) remains subject to a community process.
> * `#lang racket` is not going away and will always have its current
>   parenthesis-oriented syntax. In the same way that Racket still
>   supports `#lang scheme` and `#lang mzscheme` and even `(module
>   <name> mzscheme ....)` and even top-level programs, the Racket
>   compiler and runtime system will always support `#lang racket`
>   programs. We believe that Racket's `#lang`-based ecosystem makes it
>   uniquely positioned for trying new language variants while
>   preserving and building on our past investments.
> * Any new syntax must specifically preserve Racket-style
>   language-oriented programming, which means everything from defining
>   simple pattern-based macros to building whole new `#lang`s with a
>   smooth path in between. Again, our current macro technology must be
>   an enabler for a new surface syntax, not a casualty.
> As I hope comes across in the talk, I like the current Racket syntax
> --- and how could I not, after 24 years of helping to define it? ---
> and I am aware of many potential technical and social pitfalls that
> this kind of shift could create. Still, in addition to keeping the core
> Racket implementation running, I feel obliged to recommend changes that
> I think would be good for the Racket language and community. We've been
> lining up some technical solutions for a while. I don't know where the
> community discussion will lead, but I'm pretty sure it's time to start
> the conversation.
> Whether or not we eventually decide on a different syntax, the design
> of Racket2 will require community input and participation. If you want
> to know more about how we're thinking about that process, see the
> keynote by Aaron Turon:
>      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSjk2PdQm5k
> (We'll have professionally edited videos of all talks available soon.)
> Thanks,
> Matthew

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