
                           Call for Papers

  4th Workshop on Meta-Programming Techniques and Reflection (Meta’19)

                     Co-located with SPLASH 2019
                    October 20, 2019, Athens, Greece

                  Follow us on twitter @MetaAtSPLASH


The Meta’19 workshop aims to bring together researchers working
on metaprogramming and reflection, as well as users building
applications, language extensions and/or software tools using

The challenges which metaprogramming faces are manifold. They
start with formal reasoning about reflective programs, continue
with performance and tooling, and reach into the empirical field
to understand how metaprogramming is used and how it affects
software maintainability.

While industry accepted metaprogramming on a wide scale with
Ruby, Scala, JavaScript, R and others, there is still a long road
ahead to bring the same level of convenience, tooling, and
understanding as for direct programming styles.

Contributions to the workshop are welcome on a wide range of
topics related to the design, implementation, and application of
metaprogramming techniques, as well as empirical studies and
formal methods for such systems and languages.

### Topics of Interest

The workshop is a venue for all approaches that embrace
metaprogramming, from static to dynamic techniques:

- reflection, meta-level architectures, staging, open language
  runtimes applications to middleware, frameworks, and DSLs
- optimization techniques
- contract systems, or typing of reflective programs
- reflection and metaobject protocols to enable tooling
- case studies and evaluation of such techniques, e.g., to build
  applications, language extensions, or tools
- empirical evaluation of metaprogramming solutions
- security in reflective systems and capability-based designs
- meta-level architectures and reflective middleware for modern
  runtime platforms (e.g. IoT, cyber-physical systems,
  mobile/cloud/grid computing, etc)
- surveys, conceptualization, taxonomization, and formalization
  of existing approaches

### Workshop Format and Submissions

This workshop welcomes the presentation of new ideas and emerging
problems as well as mature work as part of a mini-conference
format.  Furthermore, we plan interactive brainstorming and
demonstration sessions between the formal presentations to enable
an active exchange of ideas.

Papers submitted by the first deadline will be considered for
publication in the ACM DL, if not requested otherwise by the
authors. Thus, they will be part of SPLASH workshop proceedings.

For all papers, use of the SIGPLAN acmart style is mandatory:


Please use the provided double-column templates for Latex or Word.

  technical paper: max. 8 pages, excluding references
  position and work-in-progress paper: 1-4 pages, excluding references
  technology demos or a posters: 1-page abstract

Demos, posters, position and work-in-progress papers can be
submitted on a second, later deadline to discuss the latest
results and current work, but will not be considered for
publication in the ACM DL.

For the submission, please use the submission system at:


### Important Dates

26 Jul 2019  - Abstract Submission
 2 Aug 2019  - Paper Submission (considered for ACM DL)
23 Aug 2019  - Notification
28 Aug 2019  - Demo, position or work-in-progress paper submission
20 Sep 2019  - Demo, position or work-in-progress paper notification

### Steering Committee

Elisa Gonzalez Boix, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Stefan Marr, University of Kent

### Organizing Committee

Guido Chari, Czech Technical University
Christophe Scholliers, Ghent University

### Program Committee

Nada Amin, University of Cambridge, UK
Edwin Brady, University of St Andrews, UK
Andrei Chis, Feenk, Switzerland
David Thrane Christiansen, Galois, Portland, Oregon, USA
Tom Van Cutsem, Bell Labs, Belgium
Ryan Culpepper, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czechia
Jennifer Hacket, University of Nottingham, UK
Robert Hirschfield, Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany
James Noble, Victoria University Wellington, New Zealand
Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira, The University of Hong Kong
Cyrus Omar, University of Chicago, USA
Guillermo Polito, Inria Lille, France
Eric Tanter, Universidad de Chile, Chile

### Contact Information

For further inquiries, do not hesitate to contact the organizers
via meta-at-splash19 AT googlegroups.com


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