If someone wants to do a useful and doable Web application in Racket...

You could make threaded discussion Web forum (or email) software.

(Implementation suggestions... Use Racket `db` interface, and deploy in PostgreSQL by default.  Consider storing each threaded comment in its own row (with IDs for things like parent comment), and keeping a cache representation of each threaded topic as a blob in a separate table/memory/file, so save you from some nasty querying every time you want to show someone the topic.  The cache for each topic can be s-expression/objects (which lets you someday apply user-specific personalization on the server before sending), HTML that's later pasted into a page (traditional), or (less-traditional-Web-friendly, but more-Webservice-friendly) JSON that's then turned into DOM/HTML by JS on the client.  You might have multiple caches per topic, such as for different sorting criteria, if that's a thing.)

After the basic threaded Web forum is done, you can make an email gateway/notifications for it, and/or RSS/Atom, to keep people engaged rather than them having to keep monitoring and going to a Web site.

There's also a dogfooding aspect.  A basic threaded Web forum should be able to be doable enough in Racket to be suitable for a book example project, and maybe a tutorial.

An alternative to the above would be to reverse the priorities, and the order in which you build it: make a discussion email server that mirrors to a Web archive/reader (and maybe the Web archive permits posting comments).

Bonus: Racketeers will get warm-fuzzies from using something homegrown in Racket (compared to feverish indigestion, from having to use certain other things).

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