If you are using DrRacket, you can go to the "Language/Choose Language..." 
menu, click on "Show Details", than make sure the "Preserve Stack Trace" 
checkbox is ticked.

If you are using racket-mode in Emacs, you can evaluate the current buffer 
using "C-u F5" which will do the same thing.

If you use racket from the command line, I think you can run it as:

    racket -l errortrace -l racket -i

Hope this helps,

On Wednesday, July 24, 2019 at 9:45:47 AM UTC+8, Anthony Quizon wrote:
> I've been trying to find a way to get better error messages in the racket 
> repl via the command line.
> Specifically, better stack traces. At the moment, if you load a file in 
> the repl via ',enter' it doesn't give you any information about the line 
> number for errors.
> I've looked around in the users group but could only find:
> racket -l errortrace -t <filename>.rkt
> This is pretty much what I'm looking for except that it only lets me use 
> this once and non-interactively. 
> Is there an option in the (x)repl that lets me use errortrace 
> interactively for each input?

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