On Thu, Aug 01, 2019 at 07:41:46AM -0400, Benjamin Lerner wrote:
> On 8/1/19 7:25 AM, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> > Well, my novel draft made it through Scribble, but not intact.
> > 
> > 
> > (1) Some of the @ commands I use are intended to cause conditional
> > inclusion of their contents, dependong on a command-line arameter (which
> > haven't yet implemented in scribble.  This is so I can keep my athor's
> > notes about the text in the text itself, read them while looking at
> > drafts, but have them removed for the final reader's copy.
> > 
> > I've tested this by defining one of these operations (@snip) to delete
> > all its contents all of the time, and that works.  (Command line
> > dependence will come later).
> > 
> > But it is not possible to snip out entire sections.  In particular,
> >     @snip{
> >        @include-section{"author-only-section.scrbl"}
> >     }
> > fails, complaining that there's a nested require.
> > 
> > Is there some way around this?
> You need to define @snip as a macro, rather than as a function, so that it
> can eliminate the syntax that does the require:
> |(define-syntax (ship stx) (syntax-case stx () [(snip . forms) (if (getenv
> "SHOW-SNIP") #'(begin . forms) #'(begin))])) |
> Use this with bracket arguments, as in |@snip[@include-section{blah}]|

That looks plausible.  Except that when the snipped text is shown, it 
should be in a different colour so as to identify it as snipped text.  
Even if i were to modify the macro to include a colour specification 
(and I don't know enough about macros or scribblt to accomplish this 
myself), I'd just end up with the colour specification wrapping the 
include-section command.  This probably woudn't work for the same 
reasons as the original snip function.

I think I'm going to have to snip section text within the section 
(which will still leave a number for an empty section) or find another 
mechanism for including sections.

At present, @include-section invokes require.  Does it need to?  Does 
it actually export identifiers to the invoking scribble file?  Or is 
this just a convenient way of getting it to process the #lang line and 
treat the included file with scribble (or, I suppose, other) syntax and 

-- hendrik

> > (2) When I use include-section from the main file, the actual text in
> > the main file appears first, and the included files are all saved up ane
> > emitted after the text in the main file.  I expected the sections to be
> > included where the include-section command was instead of being saved to
> > the end.
> > 
> > Is there some way to force immediate rather than deferred inclusion?
> > Text that is intended to frame a section, before and after, no
> > longer does.  The only way around this seems to be to put the after-text
> > into the section itself, which is *not* the structure I want.
> How are you invoking scribble? If you’re using the |-html| argument (rather
> than |-htmls|) or |-pdf|, I think it should be producing a single file in
> the manner you expect, /unless/ you have sectioning commands in the included
> file, in which case I’m not sure what it does.

    scribble whole.scrbl
where whole.scrbl is the file that @include-section's all the others.

>From what you say, scribble is indeed supposed to work the way I 
thought it would work.  So there's something peculiar about my 

I'll try and make a simpler case that gives the same symptoms to see 
what happens.

> > Of course one ot the uses I have for this is for author-only text that
> > talks bout problems with the section, rather than being contained in
> > teh section itself.  But I can imagine it being useful in text intended
> > for the reader as well.
> > 
> > Wrapping text around sections makes a real difference if each section is
> > compiled to its own HTML page.
> > 
> > (3) This one isn't a real problem, but is an annoyance, since I can
> > instead make major changes to the source files and make them work.
> > 
> > When the scribble source file is already formatted in the style normally
> > used in English books, with a few spaces (in my case 5) starting every
> > paragraph and no blank line separating them, the division into
> > paragraphs is completely ignored and everything is run together into one
> > paragraph.  Is this actually intended?  Yes, I agree it seems to be
> > according to spec, because there aren't any blank lines between
> > paragraphs, just intentation on the first line, but is this actually
> > useful for any purpose?
> Since the majority of uses of Scribble seem to have been formatted-for-web
> technical documentation, where the formatting is non-indented paragraphs
> separated by blank lines, and since Racket’s syntax isn’t typically
> whitespace sensitive, I think this probably just made sense at the time, but
> you’d have to ask Matthew for more info there…

It probably *could* be done, because the indentation information does 
seem to be tucked away somehere in the results from the scribble 
reader, but it would require a lot of knowledge of scribble internals.

It may be easier to write a one-time  indentation-to-blank line 
converter and use it on the entire set of source files.  I'd be sorry 
to have to work from a source file format that's visaully significantly 
different from the intended web page or pdf.

Similar issue with a page of bullet points written in markdown style.
Very readable, but incompatible with scribble's mechanisms.  And 
scribble' version is signeficantly less readable.

-- hendrik

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