Hadi Moshayedi wrote on 8/1/19 4:14 PM:
On Thu, Aug 1, 2019 at 12:23 PM Ryan Kramer <default.kra...@gmail.com <mailto:default.kra...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    This looks interesting! I have thought about trying to generate
    Entity Relationship diagrams given a database schema, but assumed
    that laying out the boxes would be a hard problem. Looks like
    GraphViz might do a decent job at this. I'll try it out and let
    you know how it goes.

Yesterday I learnt that also PlantUML can be used using stdin/stdout interface and it can generate SVG, which can be converted to Pict using rsvg. I was thinking spending some time on trying to have some kind of Racket library for that too. It might be a better tool for generating ER diagrams. See http://plantuml.com/ie-diagram

I tend to use UML's notation for "static object modeling" when doing what's essentially entity-relationship modeling.  (There's other UML models, but usually people just mean the main diagram, and often just to show only attributes and inheritance and nothing else.  Few people might do rigorous state modeling, protocol event traces, etc.)

Your DB schema is relational?  If you're willing to represent DB relational tables and columns as UML classes with attributes, the UML notation might be more compact and understandable than an ER one you'd use, but you have to decide how much of the DB semantics you want to represent, and how.  For example, if you want to talk about DB joins you use, you might just use only attribute annotations for candidate keys, *or* you might use much more visual UML associations that are in addition to the attributes.  (For target implementations *without* joins like that, you'd probably instead use association roles, without attributes at all, and indicate navigability directions of the associations.)

Regarding laying out the boxes, that particular UML notation might be modeled as a constraint satisfaction problem, but it's a tricky one.[1]  For example, in practice, you might usually want your generalization associations to have a high priority for super being above sub, usually less so for aggregation assemblies, link attributes (if you have those) tending to come off a horizontal edge, etc.  Then you get into things like edge routing for reducing crossings and bends, while still spacing out your vertices, plus the various adornments on edges that complicate things.  And maybe you want stability of layout between changes to also be a factor... One of the several methodologists' camps that went into UML (and from which that particular UML notation largely came), Rumbaugh et al.'s OMT, developed an interactive diagramming tool that was more limited than real CASE systems, but did the best job of constraint-based interactive editing that I'd seen (but not enough constraints to do automatic layout): OMTool, from a GE lab.[2]

[1] For a similar visual language, my industry R&D group once hired a very smart PhD student in computational geometry graph drawing to tackle it, and they made some progress, but it still wasn't entirely a solved problem afterwards.

[2]  Racket aside: I actually used OMTool, until I no longer had access to it, and kludged up a simple but practical Java generator/updater for it, "https://www.neilvandyke.org/jomtool/";. You'll notice Jomtool was written in Emacs Lisp, rather than Java, even though I was an early Java expert and advocate, and working in Java.  When I went looking for a new platform for rapid R&D work, especially in PL and symbolic Web processing, I admitted that a Lisp was more productive than my beloved Java for many things, and I ended up choosing Scheme.  Even though Scheme didn't have basic OO features, and I'd been working very heavily in OO architecture/design/OOP/methodology, and had been invited to be on a UML committee -- it still looked like a win.  Scheme turned out to be a good choice for those R&D purposes, but industry is a much longer and more complicated story, and there are disruption opportunities close on the horizon.

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