Here is a github repository of many examples of Racket code including:

* "Exercises for Programmers" by Brian P. Hogan
* Project Euler
* Puzzles e.g. n-queens, parallel n-queens, Cracker Barrel pegboard, etc.
* etc.

If you're new to Racket, and you like to learn from examples (like me), 
this may be of value to you. I'm working through SICP (sorry die-hard htdp 
fans :), so I may add a directory for those solutions also. 

I coded up most of these a few years or more ago, so I expect there are 
much better ways to implement them, and with a more idiomatic Racket style, 
but they should provide some nice exposure into various Rackety things. 

I'm happy to update them with better code, and now that I've been using 
rackunit daily, I may go back and add a bunch of tests which could be 

Brian Adkins

P.S. I don't think I've posted this before, but if I have, excuse me

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