At Wed, 07 Aug 2019 14:15:29 -0400, Christopher Lemmer Webber wrote:
>  - I was confused a bit by the $ foo ... $ delimiting.  Why $ for both
>    the start and end?  I would have thought to do `$( foo ... $)` or
>    `^ foo ... $`  or something.  Then it hit me: is this the same reason
>    we can't do two ellipses at the same level in pattern matching?
>    That's my guess, would love confirmation/denial.

As far as I know, Jon simply chose to use `$` that way. I don't
remember any obstacle to the other options, although I have forgotten
some of the details already.

>  - The design overall seems to make a lot of sense to me, except for one
>    big red flag for me: infix prioritization levels.

I'll blame that one on Jon, too. From a research perspective, it was
good to demonstrate the possibility. :)


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