(define-syntax (routes stx)
  (syntax-parse stx
    [ (routes (element ...) ...)
      (with-syntax ([ name  (format-id stx "axio-routes") ])
        #'(define name (list (route-element element ...) ...)))]))

(define-syntax (route-element stx)
  (syntax-parse stx
    [ (route-element route:string
                     (~alt (~optional (~or* (~seq #:methods (methods:expr 
                                            (~seq #:method method:expr))
                                      #:name "#:method, or #:methods 
                           (~optional (~seq #:when guard:expr)
                                      #:name "#:when option"))
      (with-syntax ([ method-list (let ([ m  (attribute method)  ]
                                        [ ms (attribute methods) ])
                                    (cond [ m    (list m) ]
                                          [ ms   ms       ]
                                          [ else '()      ]))]
                    [ guard-func (let ([ fun (attribute guard) ])
                                   (if fun
                                       #f)) ])
        #'(list route handler 'method-list guard-func))]))

 ("/foo" foo-handler #:method put)
 ("/bar" bar-handler #:methods (put update) #:when use-bar-handler?)
 ("/baz" baz-handler))


==>  '(("/foo" #<procedure:foo-handler> (put) #f) ("/bar" 
#<procedure:bar-handler> (put update) #<procedure:use-bar-handler?>) 
("/baz" #<procedure:baz-handler> () #f))

I know it ain't pretty yet, but it works now, so I can enhance it later. I 
should probably use a struct for each route vs. a list.

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