Here's another implementation you might consider. In this version you can 
view the body of `phone-numbers` as a language consisting of the `number` 
and `number-list` syntactic forms. The language also supports its own kind 
of macros---phone number macros---that can expand to forms of the 
`phone-numbers` body language. `number` and `add-prefix` aren't allowed 
outside of `phone-numbers`, because they're thought of as a part of that 
language rather than Racket expressions on their own. 
`expand+extract-number` is a tiny macro expander for the language.

#lang racket

(require (for-syntax syntax/parse syntax/apply-transformer))

(define-syntax number
  (lambda (stx)
    (raise-syntax-error #f "number can only be used in phone-numbers 
syntax" stx)))
(define-syntax number-list
  (lambda (stx)
    (raise-syntax-error #f "number-list can only be used in phone-numbers 
syntax" stx)))

  (struct phone-number-macro (proc)
    #:property prop:procedure
    (lambda (s stx) (raise-syntax-error #f "phone number macros can only be 
used in phone-numbers syntax" stx))))

(define-syntax (phone-numbers stx)
  (define (expand+extract-number stx)
    (syntax-parse stx
      #:literals (number number-list)
      [(number s:string)
       (list #'s)]
      [(number-list num ...)
       (apply append (map expand+extract-number (syntax->list #'(num 
      [(head . rest)
       #:do [(define v (syntax-local-value #'head (lambda () #f)))]
       #:when (phone-number-macro? v)
        (local-apply-transformer (phone-number-macro-proc v)

  (syntax-parse stx
    [(_ num ...)
     (define expanded-nums
       (apply append (map expand+extract-number (syntax->list #'(num 
     #`(list #,@expanded-nums)]))

 (number "123")
 (number-list (number "123")))

(define-syntax add-prefix
     [(_ prefix ((~literal number) str) ...)
      #:with (prefixed ...) (map (λ (s)
                                    (string-append (syntax-e #'prefix)
                                                   (syntax-e s))))
                                 (attribute str))
      #'(number-list (number prefixed) ...)])))

 (add-prefix "555"
             (number "1212")
             (number "2121"))
 (number "1234"))

On Tuesday, August 20, 2019 at 6:13:21 PM UTC-4, Brian Adkins wrote:
> Consider the following two macros:
> (require (for-syntax syntax/parse))
> (define-syntax (phone-numbers stx)
>   (syntax-parse stx
>     [(_ ((~literal number) phone) ...)
>      #'(list phone ...)]))
> (define x (phone-numbers
>            (number "1212")
>            (number "2121"))) ; ==> '("1212" "2121")
> (define-syntax (add-prefix stx)
>   (syntax-parse stx
>     [(_ prefix ((~literal number) str) ...)
>      #'(list (list 'number (string-append prefix str)) ...)]))
> (define y (add-prefix "555"
>                       (number "1212")
>                       (number "2121"))) ; ==> '((number "5551212") (number 
> "5552121"))
> I would like to be able to do the following:
> (phone-numbers
>  (add-prefix "555"
>              (number "1212")
>              (number "2121"))
>  (number "1234")) ; ==> '("5551212" "5552121" "1234")
> I was hoping it would be possible to do this without modifying the 
> phone-numbers macro. In other words, to have the result of expanding 
> add-prefix macro call be:
> (number "5551212") (number "5552121")
> So that it would appear to the phone-numbers macro as if the user had 
> actually typed:
> (phone-numbers
>   (number "5551212")
>   (number "5552121")
>   (number "1234"))
> Is it possible to do this w/o the explicit cooperation of the 
> phone-numbers macro?
> Brian Adkins

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