On 9/21/19 10:15 PM, Jonathan Simpson wrote:
Given this macro that I'm experimenting with:

(syntax-parse #'(1 2 2 a 2 2 b 2 c) [(1 (~seq n:nat ...+ x) ...) #'((n ... x) ...)])

How would I change it so that it returns #'(2 2 a 2 2 b 2 c) instead of #'((2 2 a) (2 2 b) (2 c)) ?

I don't want the parens around the individual sequences that I'm matching, but I haven't figured out a way to do this without using a pattern that forces me to add them in the body of the syntax-parse clause. How can I group the n and x pattern variables in the body without adding parens around them?

Use `~@` in the template:

  #'((~@ n ... x) ...)


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