On Tue, 8 Oct 2019 10:36:42 -0400, Luke Whittlesey
<luke.whittle...@gmail.com> wrote:

>I think the ceu language has a nice model of what I would consider
>"structured". http://ceu-lang.org/ It has automatic cancellation and
>finalization. Racket can easily support this model. Await statements
>are captured through delimited continuations and processes are managed
>in a tree. If a parent process exits the children are canceled and

Interesting.  It appears - to me, anyway - that Ceu took some
inspiration from Occam, but is implemented with coroutines instead of
threads or light-weight processes.  Ceu programs are limited to a
single core/CPU ... so there is no real parallelism possible other
than by a multiple process approach.

Racket's threads have similar single core/CPU limitations, but futures
and places do not - they can run simultaneously on a multicore CPU.
Whatever "structure" model might be adopted for Racket would need to
account for the semantic differences.


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