On Sun, Nov 10, 2019 at 3:26 PM Jon Zeppieri <zeppi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> =====
> ;; If the tzdata package is installed, put its zoneinfo directory at
> ;; the head of the search path.
> (define-runtime-path-list tzdata-paths
>   (match (find-relevant-directories '(tzdata-zoneinfo-module-path))
>     [(cons info-dir _)
>      (define path ((get-info/full info-dir) 'tzdata-zoneinfo-module-path))
>      (list path)]
>     [_
>      null]))

I also tried doing the getinfo stuff at expansion time (so, at phase
2, when the RHS of `define-runtime-path` is running at phase 1, and at
phase 1 when it's running at phase 0 -- it does also run at phase 0,
right?), but that didn't help.

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