
I am writing a gui application it is supposed to save the position of the 
window and upon restart restore the position.
For this I get the position via overriding the on-move method of frame%.
Upon restoring I call (send frame move x y).

The problem is that on my system (linux manjaro xfce gtk) move seems to 
treat the position as the outer window position (left-top of the decorated 
When move is called and x y is different than what is returned via get-x 
and get-y then on-move is called two times the first time with x and y.
The second time with the delta added which corresponds to 
outer-window-pos+delta = inner-window-pos.

(send frame move outer-x outer-y) -> (on-move outer-x outer-y) -> (on-move 
inner-x inner-y)

The resulting problem is that after every restart the window moves by the 
delta because move adds the delta.
To me it seems like on-move should only be called once after a call to move 
and move should take inner-xy directly.
That would mean it sets the position of the inner-window-coordinate instead 
of setting the outer position.

Here is an example showing the move behaviour:
#lang racket/gui

(define moveframe%
  (class frame%

    (define/override (on-move x y)
      (displayln (format "~a ~a" x y)))))

(define (example)
  (define f (new moveframe% [label "move frame"] [width 300] [height 300]))
  (define (m msg x y)
    (displayln (~a msg " " x " " y ":"))
    (send f move x y))

  (m "init" 100 100)
  (send f show #t)
  (sleep/yield 1)
  (m "reset" 100 100)
  (sleep/yield 1)
  ;; this depends on the window decoration specific delta which is (1 24) 
on my system
  (m "stays the same, because x y are already" (send f get-x) (send f 
  (sleep/yield 1)
  (m "window decoration delta gets added" (add1 (send f get-x)) (send f 
  (sleep/yield 1)
  (m "window decoration delta gets added again" (add1 (send f get-x)) (send 
f get-y))
  (sleep/yield 1)
  (send f show #f))

(module+ main

;; init 100 100:
;; 100 100
;; 101 124
;; reset 100 100:
;; 100 100
;; 101 124
;; stays the same, because x y are already 101 124:
;; window decoration delta gets added 102 124:
;; 102 124
;; 103 148
;; window decoration delta gets added again 104 148:
;; 104 148
;; 105 172

And here is an ugly workaround I created that calculates the delta between 
the outer and inner of the window:
#lang racket

(provide get-delta)

(require racket/gui/base)

(define deltaframe%
  (class frame%
    (init-field channel)
    (super-new [label "get-delta-frame"])

    (define ch channel)
    (define first-pos #f)
    (define/override (on-move x y)
      (when ch
        (if (not first-pos)
            (set! first-pos (list x y))
              (calc-delta ch first-pos (list x y))
              (set! ch #f)))))

    (define (calc-delta ch first second)
      (match-define (list hx hy) first)
      (match-define (list vx vy) second)
      (define delta (list (- hx vx) (- hy vy)))
        (channel-put ch delta)
        (send this show #f))))

    (send this move 100 100)
    (send this show #t)))

(define (get-delta/fetch)
  (define ch (make-channel))
   (thunk (new deltaframe% [channel ch])))
  (define (loop)
    (sync (handle-evt ch (λ (delta) delta))
          (handle-evt always-evt (λ (x) (sleep/yield 0) (loop)))))

(define delta #f)
(define (get-delta)
  (set! delta (get-delta/fetch))
  (set! get-delta (λ () delta))

;; result of get-delta on my system: (list -1 -24)

Does somebody else experience this behaviour?

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