On a fresh 32-bit Racket 7.5 install on 32-bit Windows 7,
(file-position port number) does not work when number
is more that 1 GB.

On 32-bit machines, the largest fixnum is 2^30  which is 1GB.  I suspect that /file-position/  really wants a fixnum rather than a non-negative-integer as is documented.

That would be sad because it essentially renders my program non-runnable on 32-bit Windows.

To those who know about how (file-position) works: has it always been that way? I know that 32-bit systems are not cool nowadays, but they are still in use on some of my colleagues' machines.

Also, I do not quite buy the 1 GB limit even on a 32-bit system.
I would have understood maximum the limit of maximum signed integer 2^31 = 2 GB (and my program would be fine with 2 GB limit).

Best regards,


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