I think I may understand what’s going on here, but a student and I worked on 
this for quite a while today before I found the problem.

Here’s a program:

#lang typed/racket

(define-type Store (Mutable-HashTable Integer Value))
(define-type Value (U Real Boolean String))

(define top-store (cast (make-hash (list
                                    (cons -1 14)
                                    (cons 1 #t)
                                    (cons 2 #f)))

(hash-set! top-store 5 1234)

It fails with this error:

contract violation
  expected: (or/c (and/c byte? positive?) #t #f)
  given: 1234
  in: the values of
      the 3rd conjunct of
        (or/c (and/c byte? positive?) #t #f)
  contract from: typed-world
  blaming: cast
   (assuming the contract is correct)
  at: unsaved-editor:6.18

If I understand what’s going on here, the basic issue is that the mutable hash 
table’s type is being inferred as (Immutable-HashTable Exact-Integer (U Boolean 
Positive-Byte)), and then as part of the cast, a contract is being inserted, 
which checks that all added values match the expected value type. The outer 
cast allows type checking to proceed, but then at runtime it fails because the 
given value doesn’t match the inferred value type.

This error doesn’t occur with immutable hash tables, because it’s fine to 
extend an immutable hash table to a larger one that contains it; the original 
one’s contract isn’t violated.

In this case, one easy error is to change the ‘cast’ into an ‘ann’, which works 

This is the first time I’ve encouraged my students to use a mutable hash, which 
is presumably why I haven’t encountered this before.

I’m trying to formulate a solution that I can put in a Hints for TR file, and I 
think the answer is probably this:

- When you use “make-hash” in TR, you should always specify the types 
explicitly using an “inst”.
or maybe
- When you call “make-hash” in TR, the call should be immediately wrapped with 
an “ann” type annotation.

In a perfect world, I think I would ask for a warning when casting a mutable 
hash table. It could go in that nice “warnings” box. Oh, wait…

… joking aside, actually I just did turn on the “log” window and I don’t see 
any warning about this, which is not too surprising. Oh, wait, I see another 

Thanks for reading, let me know if there’s any more obvious solution.


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