For the record, this worked:
#lang typed/racket
(require typed/racket/class)
(define aninteger%
  (class object%
    (init-field [x : Integer 0])
    (: getxinternal Integer)
       (define getxinternal x)
    (: getx (-> Integer))
       (define/public (getx) getxinternal)))
(print (send (new aninteger% [x 2]) getx))

On Sunday, February 16, 2020 at 12:18:53 AM UTC+1, Alain De Vos wrote:
> Following code makes an "integerclass" with an "add" method :
> #lang racket
> (define (integerclass x)
>   (define (getx)  x)
>   (define (setx! x_new) (set! x x_new))
>   (define (add y)(integerclass (+ x (y 'getx))))
>   (lambda (message . args)
>     (case message
>         ((getx)      (apply getx    args))
>         ((setx!)     (apply setx!   args))
>         ((add)       (apply add     args))
>       (else (error "POINT: Unknown message ->" message)))))
> (define (myprint x) (print x)(newline))
> (define p1 (integerclass 1))
> (myprint (p1 'getx))
> (define p2 (integerclass 2))
> (myprint (p2 'getx))
> (define p3 (p1 'add p2))
> (myprint (p3 'getx))
> Question 1 : can this code be inproved, are there "better patterns" one 
> can you.
> Question 2 : can i modify this code to use typed/racket. I tried but 
> failed on the "apply" method in the code.

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