Thanks! That was much easier than I was expecting.

For posterity, here is some working code but be warned that I don't know 
whether 'module is the best expansion context to use. But this is a toy 
example anyway.

#lang racket

(define-syntax (collect stx)
  (syntax-case stx (define-values)
    [(_ (define-values (id ...) expr) rest ...)
     #'(let-values ([(id ...) expr])
         (collect rest ...))]
    [(_ (macro arg ...) rest ...)
     (syntax-local-value #'macro (lambda () #f))
     (let ([expanded (local-expand #'(macro arg ...)
                                   (list #'define-values))])
       (syntax-case expanded (define-values)
         [(define-values stuff ...)
          #`(collect #,expanded rest ...)]
          #'(cons (macro arg ...) (collect rest ...))]))]
    [(_ a rest ...)
     #'(cons a (collect rest ...))]

(define-syntax-rule (my-define stuff ...)
  (define stuff ...))

(define-syntax-rule (my-list stuff ...)
  (list stuff ...))

(collect 1 2 (my-define x 3) x (my-list 4 5))

On Thursday, April 16, 2020 at 9:50:45 PM UTC-5, Matthew Flatt wrote:
> The main trick in this case is to recognize `define-values` (which is 
> what `define` expands to) instead of `define`. That's because 
> `define-values` propagates syntax arming to its identifiers and 
> right-hand side, which means that your macro is allowed to pull it 
> apart. 
> You'll also need to use an expansion context other than 'expression, 
> though. 

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