I wanted to thank you all. I did it! My head hurts, but now seeing how
simple it was, it hurts that it hurts.

;leap year
(define (leap-year? year)
  (and (zero? (modulo year 4))
       (or (not (zero? (modulo year 100)))
          (zero? (modulo year 400))

;Months with days vector, beginning at an index of 0 since there is not 0th
(define leap-year-months (vector 0 31 29 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31))
(define ordinary-year-months (vector 0 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31))

(check-expect(days-in-month 2016 1)31)
(check-expect(days-in-month 2016 11)30)
(check-expect(days-in-month 2016 12)31)
(check-expect(days-in-month 1900 2)28)
(check-expect(days-in-month 2000 2)29)
(check-expect(days-in-month 2016 2)29)
(check-expect(days-in-month 2200 2)28)

(define (days-in-month x y)
    [(leap-year? x) (vector-ref leap-year-months y)]
    [else (vector-ref ordinary-year-months y)]

On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 2:39 PM Matt Jadud <m...@jadud.com> wrote:

> This is good. Your questions are good, and while the frustration/confusion
> is real, don't let it get you down. It's just part of the process. (That
> is, learning often involves confusion and frustration.)
> This might step it back too far, but see if this helps a bit. Your
> question about what you can put in the definition suggests that you're in a
> good place, but you've got a lot of ideas swimming around all at once.
> Let's try this.
> A function definition has a pattern to it.
> (define (__A__ __B__)
>   __C__)
> When you look at a definition, you want to look for that pattern. Use
> DrRacket's highlighting to help you see the pieces if you need to. I find
> it handy all the time.
> "A" is the name of the thing you are defining, "B" is a parameter, and "C"
> is the body. There can, of course, be multiple parameters. Then, the
> pattern looks like:
> (define (__A__ __B1__ __B2__)
>   __C__)
> assuming you have a function definition with two parameters.
> Making it a bit more concrete, you could have a function like this:
> ;; number -> number
> (define (add-one n)
>   (+ n 1))
> which, if you paste that into the "Interactions" area in DrRacket, and hit
> return, you will define the function. If you then type:
> (add-one 3)
> you will see that it evaluates to 4. That is because the value of '3' is
> bound to the parameter 'n', and then the body is evaluated (or "run") with
> n having the value 3. When you add one to three, you get four. Or, (+ 1 3)
> evaluates to 4.
> In the second pattern, you might have:
> ;; number number -> number
> (define (add-nums a b)
>   (+ a b))
> and then you could invoke or use that function as:
> (add-nums 3 5)
> Here, the value '3' is bound to 'a', 5 is bound to 'b', and then 'a' and
> 'b' are summed, giving you 8.
> Coming back around to your question, you're wondering "but where do I put
> the vector-ref?" Hopefully, along with the excellent questions you've been
> asked so far, the great answers that have been provided, and my potentially
> confusing message here, you're starting to think "perhaps I don't put the
> vector-ref in the parameters..."
> The contract for 'number-of-days-in-month' was given to you as
> number number -> number
> which means that 'number-of-days-in-month' takes two parameters. You need
> to give each of those parameters names. Or, in a pattern:
> ;; number number -> number
> (define (number-of-days-in-month __B1__ __B2__)
>  __C__)
> You need to give names to the two parameters (which you know what they
> have to be... and you've already said what those two parameters are, so
> naming them is something I suspect you can do). Then, you need to *do
> stuff* in __C__. Or, as John suggested, this is where you do the
> calculation that needs to be done... if you can write it out, you're a long
> way along to filling in __C__. When you're writing the body of the function
> (or __C__ in my pattern), I suspect you're going to need to use those two
> parameters---which represent a year and month---to do your calculation.
> Then, you would run that function this way:
> (number-days-in-month 2016 1)
> (which I just copy-pasted from your first email) and 2016 would be bound
> to the first parameter (whatever you called it), and 1 would be bound to
> the second. It would then run the body of the function, and the parameters
> would be bound to the values 2016 and 1.
> That may, or may not, have helped. But hopefully it helps you step back
> from the code, which may be looking like a whole bunch of symbols right
> now, and encourage you to look for the patterns that are there, and what
> the parts of the patterns mean.
> Keep asking questions,
> Matt
> On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 4:21 PM Suz Renae <kahrend...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The months vector is representing each month and how many days are in
>> that month.
>> (define months (vector 0 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31))
>> 31 would be 1 or January (since all indexes start at 0, there is no 0th
>> month), 28 would be 2 or February, and so forth and so on. So if we did
>> (vector-ref months 1) -> 31
>> I know how to read code, but writing it is my problem. This is my first
>> coding class. So I don't know if I can write a parameter in the definition
>> using vector-ref....like
>> (define (number-days-in-month year (vector-ref months x)
>>      (cond
>>       [if (= y leap-year?
>>                  29
>>                  28
>> Or even with that above, how would it know that leap-year? only effects
>> month 2. I am highly confused unfortunately.
>> On Sunday, April 19, 2020 at 12:59:48 PM UTC-7, johnbclements wrote:
>>> First off: you’re very close.
>>> Thing two: I think you need a clearer comment on the meaning of the
>>> “months” vector. Your description does not actually say what the vector
>>> represents or contains.
>>> Thing three: Here’s my question to you. Suppose that I tell you a year
>>> and a month and the result of (vector-ref months x).
>>> To be more concrete, suppose I tell you the year is 2234 and the month
>>> is 4 and the result of (vector-ref months x) is 30. How many days would
>>> that month have? Can you explain how to compute the answer for each of the
>>> test cases below?
>>> John Clements
>>> > On Apr 19, 2020, at 11:50, Suz Renae <kahre...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > I am new to racket (first year student) and since class has been
>>> pushed to online only, I am having a harder time.
>>> >
>>> > We are currently working on vectors and hash tables. I feel like I
>>> keep overthinking it and keep getting stuck. I know that the first
>>> parameter in the function will be the year and the second will be the
>>> (vector-ref months x)that I pull from the defined vector.
>>> >
>>> > The question I am having a hard time with and what I have actually
>>> done below.
>>> >
>>> > Create a function that calculates the number of days in a month given
>>> a year and a month
>>> >         • Call the function number-of-days-in-month, and it's
>>> signature is number, number -> number
>>> >         • Example:
>>> > (number-days-in-month 2016 1) -> 31
>>> > (number-days-in-month 2016 11) -> 30
>>> > (number-days-in-month 2016 12) -> 31
>>> > (number-days-in-month 1900 2) -> 28
>>> > (number-days-in-month 2000 2) -> 29
>>> > (number-days-in-month 2016 2) -> 29
>>> > (number-days-in-month 2200 2) -> 28
>>> > What I have so far...
>>> >
>>> > ;Leap Year
>>> > (define (leap-year? year)
>>> >   (and (zero? (modulo year 4))
>>> >        (or (not (zero? (modulo year 100)))
>>> >           (zero? (modulo year 400))
>>> >           )
>>> >        )
>>> >   )
>>> >
>>> > ;Months with days vector, beginning at an index of 0 since there is
>>> not 0th month
>>> > (define months (vector 0 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31))
>>> >
>>> > (check-expect(number-days-in-month 2016 1)31)
>>> > (check-expect(number-days-in-month 2016 11)30)
>>> > (check-expect(number-days-in-month 2016 12)31)
>>> > (check-expect(number-days-in-month 1900 2)28)
>>> > (check-expect(number-days-in-month 2000 2)29)
>>> > (check-expect(number-days-in-month 2016 2)29)
>>> > (check-expect(number-days-in-month 2200 2)28)
>>> >
>>> > I  need help with building the actual function and what conditionals I
>>> should be using.
>>> >
>>> > (define (number-days-in month ?? ??)
>>> >     (cond
>>> >          [
>>> >
>>> > --
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