Hi Dominik,

  Ah that explains why I was getting an incorrect number of threads! I didn’t 
think about using future-visualizer, but I’ll give it a try. Thanks!


> On May 2, 2020, at 2:27 PM, Dominik Pantůček <dominik.pantu...@trustica.cz> 
> wrote:
> Hi Dex,
>> On 02. 05. 20 14:10, Dexter Lagan wrote:
>> Hello,
>>   I’ve been getting inconsistent results as well. A while ago I made a
>> benchmark based on a parallel spectral norm computation. The benchmark
>> works fine on Windows on most systems and uses all cores, but crashes
>> randomly on other systems. I haven’t been able to figure out why. On
>> Linux it doesn’t seem to use more than one core. I’d be interested to
>> know if this is related. Here’s the benchmark code :
>> https://github.com/DexterLagan/benchmark
> Beware that (processor-count) returns the number of HT-cores, so your
> v1.3 is actually requesting twice the number of threads as there are
> HTs. At least on Linux this is the case (checked right now).
> Interesting idea... 16 threads:
> $ time racket crash.rkt -d 4
> SIGSEGV MAPERR si_code 1 fault on addr (nil)
> Aborted (core dumped)
> real    6m37,579s
> user    32m55,192s
> sys    0m35,124s
> So that is consistent to what I see.
> Have you tried using future-visualizer[1] for checking why it uses only
> single CPU thread? Last summer I spent quite some time with it to help
> me find the right futures usage patterns that actually enable the
> speculative computation in parallel. Usually if your code is too deep
> and keeps allocating "something" each frame, it goes back to the runtime
> thread for each allocation.
> Cheers,
> Dominik
> [1] https://docs.racket-lang.org/future-visualizer/index.html
>> Dex
>>> On May 2, 2020, at 1:56 PM, Dominik Pantůček
>>> <dominik.pantu...@trustica.cz> wrote:
>>> Hello fellow Racketeers,
>>> during my research into how Racket can be used as generic software
>>> rendering platform, I've hit some limits of Racket's (native) thread
>>> handling. Once I started getting SIGSEGVs, I strongly suspected I am
>>> doing too much unsafe operations - and to be honest, that was true.
>>> There was one off-by-one memory access :).
>>> But that was easy to resolve - I just switched to safe/contracted
>>> versions of everything and found and fixed the bug. But I still got
>>> occasional SIGSEGV. So I dug even deeper (during last two months I've
>>> read most of the JIT inlining code) than before and noticed that the
>>> crashes disappear when I refrain from calling bytes-set! in parallel
>>> using futures.
>>> So I started creating a minimal-crashing-example. At first, I failed
>>> miserably. Just filling a byte array over and over again, I was unable
>>> to reproduce the crash. But then I realized, that in my application,
>>> threads come to play and that might be the case. And suddenly, creating
>>> MCE was really easy:
>>> Create new eventspace using parameterize/make-eventspace, put the actual
>>> code in application thread (thread ...) and make the main thread wait
>>> for this application thread using thread-wait. Before starting the
>>> application thread, I create a simple window, bitmap and a canvas, that
>>> I keep redrawing using refresh-now after each iteration. Funny thing is,
>>> now it keeps crashing even without actually modifying the bitmap in
>>> question. All I need to do is to mess with some byte array in 8 threads.
>>> Sometimes it takes a minute on my computer before it crashes, sometimes
>>> it needs more, but it eventually crashes pretty consistently.
>>> And it is just 60 lines of code:
>>> #lang racket/gui
>>> (require racket/future racket/fixnum racket/cmdline)
>>> (define width 800)
>>> (define height 600)
>>> (define framebuffer (make-fxvector (* width height)))
>>> (define pixels (make-bytes (* width height 4)))
>>> (define max-depth 0)
>>> (command-line
>>> #:once-each
>>> (("-d" "--depth") d "Futures binary partitioning depth" (set! max-depth
>>> (string->number d))))
>>> (file-stream-buffer-mode (current-output-port) 'none)
>>> (parameterize ((current-eventspace (make-eventspace)))
>>>  (define win (new frame%
>>>                   (label "test")
>>>                   (width width)
>>>                   (height height)))
>>>  (define bmp (make-bitmap width height))
>>>  (define canvas (new canvas%
>>>                      (parent win)
>>>                      (paint-callback
>>>                       (λ (c dc)
>>>                         (send dc draw-bitmap bmp 0 0)))
>>>                      ))
>>>  (define (single-run)
>>>    (define (do-bflip start end (depth 0))
>>>      (cond ((fx< depth max-depth)
>>>             (define cnt (fx- end start))
>>>             (define cnt2 (fxrshift cnt 1))
>>>             (define mid (fx+ start cnt2))
>>>             (let ((f (future
>>>                       (λ ()
>>>                         (do-bflip start mid (fx+ depth 1))))))
>>>               (do-bflip mid end (fx+ depth 1))
>>>               (touch f)))
>>>            (else
>>>             (for ((i (in-range start end)))
>>>               (define c (fxvector-ref framebuffer i))
>>>               (bytes-set! pixels (+ (* i 4) 0) #xff)
>>>               (bytes-set! pixels (+ (* i 4) 1) (fxand (fxrshift c 16)
>>> #xff))
>>>               (bytes-set! pixels (+ (* i 4) 2) (fxand (fxrshift c 8)
>>> #xff))
>>>               (bytes-set! pixels (+ (* i 4) 3) (fxand c #xff))))))
>>>    (do-bflip 0 (* width height))
>>>    (send canvas refresh-now))
>>> (send win show #t)
>>>  (define appthread
>>>    (thread
>>>     (λ ()
>>>       (let loop ()
>>>         (single-run)
>>>         (loop)))))
>>>  (thread-wait appthread))
>>> Note: the code is deliberately de-optimized to highlight the problem.
>>> Not even mentioning CPU cache coherence here....
>>> Running this from command-line, I can adjust the number of threads.
>>> Running with 8 threads:
>>> $ time racket crash.rkt -d 3
>>> SIGSEGV MAPERR si_code 1 fault on addr (nil)
>>> Aborted (core dumped)
>>> real    1m18,162s
>>> user    7m11,936s
>>> sys    0m3,832s
>>> $ time racket crash.rkt -d 3
>>> SIGSEGV MAPERR si_code 1 fault on addr (nil)
>>> Aborted (core dumped)
>>> real    3m44,005s
>>> user    20m10,920s
>>> sys    0m11,702s
>>> $ time racket crash.rkt -d 3
>>> SIGSEGV MAPERR si_code 1 fault on addr (nil)
>>> Aborted (core dumped)
>>> real    2m1,650s
>>> user    10m58,392s
>>> sys    0m6,445s
>>> $ time racket crash.rkt -d 3
>>> SIGSEGV MAPERR si_code 1 fault on addr (nil)
>>> Aborted (core dumped)
>>> real    8m8,666s
>>> user    45m52,359s
>>> sys    0m25,184s
>>> $
>>> With 4 threads it didn't crash even after quite some time:
>>> $ time racket crash.rkt -d 2
>>> ^Cuser break
>>>  context...:
>>>   "crash.rkt": [running body]
>>>   temp35_0
>>>   for-loop
>>>   run-module-instance!
>>>   perform-require!
>>> real    20m18,706s
>>> user    61m38,546s
>>> sys    0m22,719s
>>> $
>>> I'll re-run the 4-thread test overnight.
>>> What would be the best approach to debugging this issue? I assume I'll
>>> load the racket binary in gdb and see the stack traces at the moment of
>>> the crash, but that won't reveal the source of the problem (judging
>>> based on my previous experience of debugging heavily multi-threaded
>>> applications). Also I probably need a build with debugging symbols,
>>> which is my plan for this afternoon.
>>> I am running this on:
>>> model name    : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz
>>> HT is enabled.
>>> Although this is just a side project, my work (that is the paid-for
>>> work) relies heavily on futures and GUI, so I would really like to nail
>>> down and fix this problem.
>>> Any suggestions are welcome.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Dominik
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