The path is fine.  `ext` however is always void.  
get-current-platforms-icon-ext is incorrect, you don't need quotes around 
the platform names.

Also, the error message is incomplete, I am not sure if there was scroll 
bar, but the contract failure should have told you which argument was wrong.


On Sunday, May 3, 2020 at 4:45:44 PM UTC+8, Dexter Lagan wrote:
> Hello Sunday coders,
>   So I made a QuickScript to compile to standalone executable in a 
> platform-independent manner - without zipping. It works great, and Laurent 
> gave me a hand with the file browsing part for Linux. However I'm 
> encountering a hard to track runtime error with find-files. I am listing 
> all files with a certain extension. In the past I have used string-suffix? 
> for this, but I found out about path-has-extension? and attempted to use it 
> instead. I'm getting an error with both. Here's the code :
> ;; find files of a given extension recursively from the current directory
> (define (find-files/ext path ext)
>   (define (ext-file? f)
>     (and (not (void? f))
>          (or (path? f) (string? f))
>          (file-exists? f)
>          (path-has-extension? f ext)))
>   (find-files ext-file? path))
> The error I'm getting should not be possible. I have added all these 
> checks to try and catch it, to no avail:
> [image: Capture.PNG]
> ;; same as previous, but using string-suffix?
> (define (find-files/ext# path ext)
>   (define (ext-file? f)
>     (and (not (void? f))
>          (or (path? f) (string? f))
>          (file-exists? f)
>          (string-suffix? (path->string f) ext)))
>   (find-files ext-file? path))
> When using string-suffix?, I'm getting a different error:
> [image: Capture2.PNG]
>   I have used find-files many times over the years and I have never seen 
> this. The start-path is issued from (path-only f), where f is the source 
> file path given by QuickScript for the current source file.
> If you're testing this code, note that when using path-has-extension?, the 
> icon file extension constants have to be prefixed with '#' to comply with 
> the function's param type.
> Here's the full source :
>   Any help would be appreciated.
> Dex

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