The problem is almost certainly that `Any` is not allowed in
`Ffi-type`. What's the definition of `Ffi-type`, and why does `params`
have a type that involves `Any`?


On Fri, May 22, 2020 at 5:21 PM Hendrik Boom <> wrote:
> Here's the code it's complaining about.
>  `(,@params -> ,rettype)
> And here's the message:
> Type Checker: Polymorphic function `qq-append' could not be applied to 
> arguments:
> Types: (Listof a) (Listof b) -> (Listof (U a b))
> Arguments: (Listof (List Any ': Any)) (List '-> Ffi-type)
> Expected result: Ffi-type
>  in: (quasiquote ((unquote-splicing params) -> (unquote rettype)))
> Now what I'm building is a piece of Racket code that is to be written
> out into a new source-code file.
> param is indeed of type (Listof (List Any ': Any)).
> rettype is indeed of type (List '-> Ffi-type)
> And or some reason the type-checker isn't able to realise that I can
> really build a valid s-expression out of these components.
> Now i could hand-expand the quasiquote in to a lot of cons operations,
> each presummably surrounded by 'inst' becausee cons is polymorphic,
> but this will just make the entire expression unreadable.
> I'm almost tempted to write this expression in untyped Racket.
> But separating this stuff into another module would significantly
> demodularize the code -- related code will no longer be together.
> Racket does have a compact mechanism to embed typed-Racket code in an
> untyped program (it's called with-type)
> But there seems to be no similar way to embed an expression of untyped
> code into a typed-racket program.
> How to get past this impasse?  The majority of my code needs to be in
> typed Racket to maintain my sanity while debugging, but the quasiquoted
> texts (there are a number of these) need to be readable, for the same
> reason.
> -- hendrik
> --
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