As I started typing this email and looking into the definition of case,
I realized my assumptions are wrong.

What I needed: something like case which dispatches on symbols, except
not auto-quoting the arguments... I needed to evaluate them from the
lexical environment.  So:

  (let ([x 'foo])
    (caseish 'foo
      [(x) 'got-foo]
      [('x) 'got-quote-x]))  ; => 'got-foo

I figured: case is fast, and I'm pretty sure semi-magical... my
intuitive sense was that it did some smart things on a compiler level
that would probably be anything I'd hand-code (which would either use an
alist or an immutable hashtable).  So I started writing up an email
asking if such a thing worked... then I remembered, this is a ~lisp,
jumping straight to definition is part of the scene... so I did that.
I... was wrong!  From the case macro:

    ;; Symbol and "other" dispatch is either sequential or
    ;; hash-table-based, depending on how many constants we
    ;; have. Assume that `alist' does not map anything to `#f'.
    (define (dispatch-hashable tmp-stx alist make-hashX else-exp)
      (if (< (length alist) *hash-threshold*)
          #`(case/sequential #,tmp-stx 
                             #,@(map (λ (x)
                                       #`[(#,(car x)) #,(cdr x)])
                             [else #,else-exp])
          (let ([tbl (make-hashX alist)])
            (if (literal-expression? else-exp)
                #`(hash-ref #,tbl #,tmp-stx (lambda () #,else-exp))
                #`(or (hash-ref #,tbl #,tmp-stx (lambda () #f))

Am I reading that right?  Here I was assuming writing something like
case was for cool kids and I'd never pull such a thing off right.

But... now it looks like, oh, it's actually just using an alist or an
immutable hashtable... same as I would.

So I almost trashed this email, but thought I'd send it anyway because
a) either maybe it's interesting to someone or b) actually maybe I'm
misreading and case really is smarter / more performant and I'm just
missing it...!

 - Chris

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