How does one suppress scribble-common.js? I really don't understand why the 
file loads for all Scribble langs — it contains things like search box 
support for documentation! 

In addition, it takes over the window.onload, overriding any previous 
content. About this, it has the following odd remark:

// Note: could make a function that inspects and uses window.onload to 
chain to
// a previous one, but this file needs to be required first anyway, since it
// contains utilities for all other files.

I'm not sure what "all other files" it's referring to, but it actually 
appears *last* in the load sequence. (E.g., loading additional JS through a 
custom prefix means those get loaded before scribble-common.js…is there 
some other way of loading JS files so they are loaded *after*


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