Hello. I am stuck on a probably simple type problem and was wondering if
someone could help:

I'll just give the actual functions im using:

(struct Character ([bytes16 : Bytes]))
(define substr (make-bytes 128))
(: make-character (-> Integer Integer Character))
(define (make-character s e)
  (Character (subbytes substr (* 2 s) (* 2 e))))

What i want is a function like:

(: blah (-> (List Integer Integer) Character))
(define blah (λ (rng) (apply make-character rng)))

Which works.

But note i can't just type (λ (rng) (apply make-character rng)) into the
REPL, because i get:

; readline-input:5:14: Type Checker: Bad arguments to function in `apply':
; Domain: Integer Integer
; Arguments:  Any
;   in: (apply make-character rng)

I think because i need the explicit (List Integer Integer) annotation to
unify with (Listof Integer)

Anyway, i wanted to make my code simpler so i was wondering if i could
curry and partially apply. So i was digging around in the reference and

(: blah2 (-> (List Integer Integer) Character))
(define2 blah2 ((curry (inst apply Integer Character)) make-character)

But i get:

; readline-input:8:40: Type Checker: type mismatch
;   expected: (-> Integer * Character)
;   given: (-> Integer Integer Character)
;   in: make-character

Looking at the typed racket reference and the type of apply, thought the
star meant i could have many integers. Actually to be honest the discussion
in typed racket reference "1.6 - Other Type Constructors" left me hanging a
little bit on the function types, I am a pretty green on working with
racket types and types in general. I thought this would unify but i guess i
am completely wrong. Does anyone know what i am doing wrong exactly or what
a very abbreviated form for what i want (behavior of blah) is?

Sorry if this is basic i am a little lost on it as you can probably tell.

Thank you


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