A few thoughts on interpreters vs compilers:

- somewhere, there has to be an interpreter -- the x86 chip in my
laptop is interpreting the x86 code that Racket generates.
- there could certainly be a more direct AST-based interpreter for
(fully-expanded) Racket. My work on Pycket involved writing such an
interpreter, for example.

The best way to distinguish compilers from interpreters is that a
compiler takes a program and produces another program, whereas an
interpreter takes a program (along with some input) and produces an


On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 12:35 PM zeRusski <vladilen.ko...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you for this fantastic reply Sam! I now think I had a very naive model 
> of "interpreter" when I asked the question. My CS degree from the nowhere 
> university has it that language interpreters walk the tree and you know 
> "execute" be it in the host language or generating native code. I feel a bit 
> stupid now. Technically you're absolutely right - there is an interpreter for 
> the bytecode (or whatever), so duh. But there are also a bunch of compilation 
> steps in between. I am now completely lost as to what constitutes a compiler 
> and what makes an interpreter. I always thought of interpreters as something 
> I encountered in PLAI. I remember reading some old paper abound "fast 
> interpreters" and all of them implemented a virtual machine they "compiled" 
> to and I was lost then - how's that not a compiler - as I am lost now.
> --
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