I have a bunch of relation rules, but in one of them i need to check if f_0 
is the same as i have in one of the environments, but the error  
found the same binder, f_0, at different depths, 0 and 1 ... F_01 ... (T 
f_0 ((T_00 x_00) ...) (return e)) F_02 ...)) (contract C_2 ((T_2 x_21) ... 
K_2 F_2... *appears and i would like to know if there's an alternative.

The part of the code where the error is is below and the link for the 
repository is this : 

Thank you!

(--> [(in-hole E (c -> f -> value (n) ((s : (c_0 -> f_0)) ...))) env-ß 
env-σ ((contract C_1 {(T_1 x_11) ... K_1 F_1 ...}) ... (contract C {(T_0 
x_01) ... K F_01 ... (T f_0 ((T_00 x_00) ... ) {return e}) F_02 ...}) 
(contract C_2 {(T_2 x_21) ... K_2 F_2 ...}) ...)]
        [(in-hole E (return (call env-ß CT c 
                                  (top-σ env-σ) f n ((s : (c_0 -> f_0)) 
...)))) (decl (uptbal (uptbal env-ß (ref env-ß c) n) (top-σ env-σ) ,(- 
(term 0)(term n))) ((s -> (c_0 -> f_0)) ...)) (call-σ env-σ (ref env-ß c)) 
((contract C_1 {(T_1 x_11) ... K_1 F_1 ...}) ... (contract C {(T_0 x_01) 
... K F_01 ... (T f_0 ((T_00 x_00) ... ) {return e}) F_02 ...}) (contract 
C_2 {(T_2 x_21) ... K_2 F_2 ...}) ...)]

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