The following works well in DrRacket, version 7.8 [3m]

#lang scribble/manual
(@defthing[#:kind "constant false/on/high" F trit? #:value '0]
 @defthing[#:kind (list "constant true/off/low" (hspace 1)) T trit? #:value
 @defthing[#:kind "constant indeterminate" ? trit? #:value '?]
 @defthing[#:kind (list "constant" (hspace 13)) trits (list/c trit? trit?
trit?) #:value (list F T ?)]
 @defthing[#:kind (list "constant" (hspace 13)) in-trits sequence? #:value
(in-list trits)]
 @defproc[#:kind (list "predicate" (hspace 12)) (trit? (obj any/c))
 @defproc[#:kind (list "predicate" (hspace 12)) (F? (obj any/c)) boolean?]
 @defproc[#:kind (list "predicate" (hspace 12)) (T? (obj any/c)) boolean?]
 @defproc[#:kind (list "predicate" (hspace 12)) (?? (obj any/c))

I use hspace for alignment of the kinds.

But in version [3m] I get:

. . C:\Program Files\Racket-\collects\syntax\contract.rkt:101:21:
defthing: contract violation
  expected: (or/c string? #f)
  given: ("constant true/off/low" #(struct:element hspace (" ")))
  in: (or/c string? #f)
      macro argument contract on #:kind argument
  contract from:
      (lib scribble/private/manual-proc.rkt)
  blaming: E:\circuits\circuit-manual.scrbl
   (assuming the contract is correct)
  at: E:\circuits\circuit-manual.scrbl:416.18

Because I don't know whether or not this is a known issue, I post it on
this list.
If this is a known issue or an intentional change, then ignore this email,
If not I can post it as a racket issue.
Let me know, please.
Thanks, Jos

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