On Mon, Oct 5, 2020 at 4:32 PM Nick Lee <nick.lee.c...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I noticed there are differences when I run HtDP programs in DrRacket IDE
> vs the "racket" command line.
> For example, the following program's test passes in DrRacket IDE:
> ;; file.rkt - Set to Beginning Student
> (check-expect (exact? (string->number "1.0")) true)
> But when I run "raco test file.rkt", the test fails.
This looks like a bug to me. Probably related is that this program prints
#false and not #true.

#lang htdp/bsl
(exact? (string->number "1.0"))

> As another example, the follow Beginning Student program generates an
> error when run in DrRacket IDE (the error being read-syntax: illegal use of
> ```):
> ;; file.rkt - Set to Beginning Student
> (define (quasiquote x) x)
> (define (f x) 123)
> `(f 888)
> But when I run "racket file.rkt", no error is generated, and 123 is
> printed.
This one behaves the same for me. It says "quasiquote: this name was
defined in the language or a required library and cannot be re-defined".

> Is there a way I can run HtDP programs from the command-line and get
> behavior that's the same as when I click "Run" button in the IDE?
This is supposed to work. Sorry for the bugs!


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