At Tue, 29 Sep 2020 17:51:42 -0700, "William J. Bowman" wrote:
> I'm writing a large Scribble document which links to package
> documentation. I link to normal Racket documentation, and currently
> redirect those to the main racket-lang documentation using
> --redirect-main "";. But I also link to a
> private library, and would like to redirect references to this
> library's documentation to a separate URL.
> Ideally, I would do this by declaring the root URL for the package, and not by
> manually annotating every usage of @racket[private-library-identifier].
> Is this possible?

As you've no doubt concluded by now, there's not really a way to do
this. It must be technically possible to override methods of the HTML
renderer to make this happen, but it wouldn't be practical.

I'm not sure what a good interface would be for more fine-grained
configuration. If it's worth it to you to look at how HTML renderer
might better support this, look for places in `scribble/html-render`
that use `external-root-url`, since that's what `--redirect-main` turns


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