
For reasons X and Y that I won't get into I'm using Emacs instead of 
DrRacket for writing racket code for the Programming languages class that 
I'm taking. I have found that racket-mode (as recommended by 
https://docs.racket-lang.org/guide/Emacs.html) is able to do a lot of neat 
things and most of what I need to code. 

The one limitation that I have run into is running my code and getting any 
kind of coverage information, whether that's visual highlighting or a 
printout in the REPL. At the moment I use DrRacket exclusively for this 
task. Back in the racket-mode Emacs world the closest thing that I have 
found is this: 

However, this method not flexible enough since it requires me to put my 
tests in the following form, which differs from the test writing convention 
that I have to follow for this class:
(module+ test (require rackunit) (check-true #t))

I have heard that xrepl should be able to help me since I should be able to 
but when I try to require it in the repl I get the following:

hw4.rkt> (require xrepl)
; hw4.rkt::424: Type Checker: missing type for top-level identifier;
;  either undefined or missing a type annotation
;   identifier: require
;   in: require
; Context:
;  /usr/racket/collects/syntax/private/id-table.rkt:454:11 free-id-table-ref
;  /usr/racket/collects/syntax/private/id-table.rkt:454:11 free-id-table-ref

The racket language I'm using is a custom teaching language (#lang pl 04) 
available here <https://pl.barzilay.org/pl.plt>.

Does anyone have any ideas on how I could get coverage to work directly 
with racket-mode or with xrepl still inside of Emacs?

Background: I'm not experienced with Racket (only have knowledge of [B/I]SL 
languages and what I'm learning in this class) and I'm also not an Emacs 

Thanks for the help.
- Julian

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