I'm not sure if this is exactly what you want, but the handy module (which
I still need to split up into less of a Fibber McGee) includes handy/try.
This would let you do the following:

#lang racket

(require handy/try)

(define x (random 100))

; these are obviously silly functions that are only for the sake of example
(define (fails-first-check? x)   (= 0 (modulo x 10)))
(define (fails-second-check? x)  (= 0 (modulo x 7)))
(define (calculate-final-result z) 'final-result)

 (try [(displayln (~a "x is: " x))
       (when (fails-first-check? x) (raise 'failed-first-check))
       (when (fails-second-check? x) (raise 'failed-second-check))
       (define z 'z)
       ; ...do something with z

       (calculate-final-result z)]
        ((curry equal? 'failed-first-check)   (lambda (e) "failure #1"))
        ((curry equal? 'failed-second-check)  (lambda (e) "failure #2"))
        (any/c                                (lambda (e)

It also supports pre and post checks:

#lang racket

(require handy/try)

(define x (random 100))

; real code would do something more sensible

(define (fails-first-check?     x) (= 0 (modulo x 10)))
(define (fails-second-check?    x) (= 0 (modulo x 7)))
(define (calculate-final-result z) 'final-result)

 (try [pre (displayln "pre checks are guaranteed to happen")]
      [(displayln (~a "x is: " x))
       (when (fails-first-check? x) (raise 'failed-first-check))
       (when (fails-second-check? x) (raise 'failed-second-check))
       (define z 'z)
       ; ...do something with z

       (calculate-final-result z)]
          ((curry equal? 'failed-first-check)   (lambda (e) "failure #1"))
          ((curry equal? 'failed-second-check)  (lambda (e) "failure #2"))
          (any/c                                (lambda (e)
       (displayln "do final cleanup here -- delete temp files, close
sockets, etc")
       (displayln "this is guaranteed to run even if an uncaught exception
is raised")

The main body is required but 'pre', 'catch', and 'finally' are all
optional.  The whole thing is a dynamic-wind wrapped around a with-handlers
so pre and finally are guaranteed to execute no matter what.  pre is out of
scope for the main body which is suboptimal but if there was interest then
I might see about fixing that.

Unfortunately, like many of the submodules in handy 'try' has extensive
documentation in the comments but not in Scribble.  Again, I should get
around to that in my Copious Free Time.  For now, it's here:

On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 9:48 AM Hendrik Boom <hend...@topoi.pooq.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 03:54:29AM -0700, Jack Firth wrote:
> > So I'm a little tired of writing code like this:
> >
> > (define x ...)
> > (cond
> >   [(take-shortcut? x) (shortcut x)]
> >   [else
> >    (define y (compute-y x))
> >    (cond
> >     [(take-other-shortcut? x y) (other-shortcut x y)]
> >     [else
> >      (define z ...)
> >      (cond ...)])])
> Perhaps you could use parendown
> https://docs.racket-lang.org/parendown/index.html
> #lang parendown racket/base
> (define x ...)
> (cond
>   [(take-shortcut? x) (shortcut x)]
>   #/ else
>   (define y (compute-y x))
>   #/ cond
>   [(take-other-shortcut? x y) (other-shortcut x y)]
>   #/ else
>   (define z ...)
>   #/ cond ...
> )
> >
> > That is,
> Frequently the lase element of a list is another list, and a large one
> at that.
> Using #/ makes that a kind of tail-recursive syntax and eliminates some
> explicit parentheses.
> Of course when you start using this it becomes so common that you'd like
> to drop the ugly #'s, but unfortunately, / is already taken.
> -- hendrik
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