On Sun, May 23, 2021 at 7:57 PM Matthew Flatt <mfl...@cs.utah.edu> wrote:

> At Sun, 23 May 2021 14:57:42 +0000, Sage Gerard wrote:
> > Is there a cross-VM way to pass an arbitrary input port to the C
> > runtime (e.g. via open-input-bytes), such that the C runtime can read
> > bytes on its own?
> No, not unless you know that the port's implementation is sufficiently
> constrained. In general, reading from a port can involve thread
> switches and synchronization, and those are not allowed in callbacks
> from foreign libraries.

Off hand, I think some some version of "sanitizing" an arbitrary port for
use from C is used by:

   - `racket/system` (here
   and here
   where the implementation comes from `racket/private/streams`;
   - `racket/draw`, for the various parts of Cairo that can read from or
   write to ports, in `racket/draw/unsafe/callback` (and maybe something
   similar in `racket/draw/private/write-bytes`?); and
   - `readline`, which uses callbacks rather than creating file-stream

Would it make sense to expose some part of this functionality as a new

(I'm not familiar with all of the constraints in these use-cases: maybe
they're different enough that the answer is "no".)


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