I'm getting bytes off the wire and attempting to write them to a port.  I
have a check in place to verify that the pipe has free space but when I
attempt to reports that yes, there is space, and then it writes and fails
regardless and I'm not sure why.  The following is a simplified version of
the code but it produces the same results as the live version.

I've dug through the docs on write-bytes-avail* and pipes and I'm
scratching my head.  Any thoughts?

------- code
#lang racket
(define bstr (make-shared-bytes 509 5))
(define rx-pipe-size 16777216)
(define-values (rx-in rx-out) (make-pipe rx-pipe-size))

(define (room-in-rx-pipe? bstr)
  (define avail (- rx-pipe-size (pipe-content-length rx-out)))
  (displayln (format "space available: ~a" avail))
  (<= (bytes-length bstr) avail))

(displayln (format "space available? ~a " (room-in-rx-pipe? bstr)))
(define num-bytes-written (write-bytes-avail* bstr rx-out))
(unless (eq? num-bytes-written (bytes-length bstr))
  (displayln (format "rx buffer overflow. num-bytes-written ~a, expected ~a"
                     num-bytes-written (bytes-length bstr))))

(displayln "done")
-------- /code

The output is:

------- output
avail: 16777216
space available? #t
pipe content length: 0
rx buffer overflow. pipe content length: 15, written 15, expected 509
------- /output

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