This is from the documentation and it obviously works:

(define parser1
    [((~alt (~once (~seq #:a x) #:name "#:a keyword")
            (~optional (~seq #:b y) #:name "#:b keyword")
            (~seq #:c z)) ...)
(parser1 #'(#:a 1))

When run it yields 'ok.

If I change it to this, it fails and I don't understand why:

(define (parser2 stx)
  (syntax-parse stx
    [(parser2 ((~alt (~once (~seq #:a x) #:name "#:a keyword")
                     (~optional (~seq #:b y) #:name "#:b keyword")
                     (~seq #:c z)) ...))
(parser2 (#:a 1))

This yields:
[...source location...] #%datum: keyword misused as an expression
;   at: #:a

I can see that (#:a 1) is not valid under the default parser since #:a is
not valid for initial position but shouldn't the entire parenthesized
expression be given to the macro processor and then replaced with something
valid before being rejected?

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