On 9/28/21, David Storrs <david.sto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Summary:  Documentation for a new module is not being generated when I
> would expect it to be and when I do it manually it ends up not linking
> basic Racket items.  I've done a lot of searching to figure it out and
> would appreciate some help.

I cloned the try-catch repo (744f217), ran raco pkg install, and got a
nicely-rendered document. Log attached.

The only problem I saw is that `try` isn't linked. You can fix that by
adding a `(require (for-label try-catch))`.

> Long version:
> I published a module a few days ago called try-catch.  I have an announce
> email written up for it but I was waiting for the documentation to generate
> before sending.  It still hasn't generated so today I investigated.
> First thing I did was make sure that raco was using the local copy for
> everything:
> $ raco pkg remove try-catch
> raco pkg remove: invalid `deps' specification
>   specification: '("base" racket/format racket/string)
> Weird.
> $ raco setup --check-pkg-deps try-catch
> [...lots of stuff, no problems reported]
> Okay, whatever.
> $ raco pkg remove --force try-catch
> Turn off the WiFi to be certain I don't get the package server version.
> $ raco pkg install ./try-catch
> Succeeds, claims that it is building the documentation, does not actually
> do so.  Ditto when I try
> $ raco setup try-catch
> When I manually run
> $ cd try-catch/scribblings/ && scribble try-catch.scbl
> I get the try-catch.html file as expected but racket/base functions such as
> with-handlers are not properly linked -- i.e. they appear in blue with a
> red line under them and are not links.

That's normal. Scribble needs a few command-line flags to know where
to look for cross references (xrefs). I don't know the right flags

> I do not get any missing dependencies when I run
> My info.rkt file and try-catch.scrbl are both based on those from other
> modules I have that do work correctly.  I've checked the issues that were
> pointed out to me the last time I had to ask this question, I've been
> through the Racket documentation and through Beautiful Racket, and still
> not found the answer.  Any suggestions?
> ;; The info.rkt file
> #lang info
> (define collection "try-catch")
> (define version "0.1")
> (define deps '("base"
>                "syntax-classes-lib"))
> (define scribblings '(("scribblings/try-catch.scrbl" ())))
> (define test-omit-paths '())
> (define build-deps '("racket-doc"
>                      "scribble-lib"
>                      "rackunit-lib"
>                      "sandbox-lib"))
> ;;----------
> ;;  The top lines from main.rkt to show the require:
> #lang racket/base
> (require (for-syntax racket/base
>                      syntax/parse)
>          racket/function)
> ;;----------
> ;; A stripped-down version of scribblings/try-catch.scrbl that demonstrates
> the failures
> #lang scribble/manual
> @(require (for-label racket)
>           racket/sandbox
>           scribble/example)
> @defmodule[try-catch]
> @(define eval
>    (call-with-trusted-sandbox-configuration
>     (lambda ()
>       (parameterize ([sandbox-output 'string]
>                      [sandbox-error-output 'string]
>                      [sandbox-memory-limit 50])
> (make-evaluator 'racket)))))
> @itemlist[
> @item{@racket[with-handlers], @racket[~a], @racketmodname[syntax-parse]}
> ]
> @examples[
>           #:eval eval
>           #:label #f
>     (require try-catch)
>     (define err (defatalize (raise-arguments-error 'foo "failed")))
>     err
>     (try [(displayln "ok")])
> ]
> --
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> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to racket-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> To view this discussion on the web visit
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/racket-users/CAE8gKoforSuxKVGwj2E_T-_HhLafaFipRGqERh6QUvyn6%2B9MUg%40mail.gmail.com.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"Racket Users" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to racket-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit 
> git clone https://github.com/dstorrs/try-catch
Cloning into 'try-catch'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 18, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (18/18), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (12/12), done.
remote: Total 18 (delta 4), reused 18 (delta 4), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (18/18), done.
> cd try-catch
> ls
LICENSE         info.rkt        main.rkt        scribblings
> raco pkg install
Linking current directory as a package
The following uninstalled packages are listed as dependencies of try-catch:
Would you like to install these dependencies? [Y/n/a/c/?] y
Resolving "test-more" via https://pkgs.racket-lang.org
Downloading repository https://github.com/dstorrs/racket-test-more.git
The following uninstalled packages were listed as dependencies
and they were installed:
 dependencies of try-catch:
raco setup: version:
raco setup: platform: x86_64-macosx [3m]
raco setup: target machine: racket
raco setup: installation name: development
raco setup: variants: 3m
raco setup: main collects: /Users/ben/code/racket/fork/racket/collects
raco setup: collects paths: 
raco setup:   /Users/ben/code/racket/fork/racket/collects
raco setup: main pkgs: /Users/ben/code/racket/fork/racket/share/pkgs
raco setup: pkgs paths: 
raco setup:   /Users/ben/code/racket/fork/racket/share/pkgs
raco setup:   /Users/ben/Library/Racket/development/pkgs
raco setup: links files: 
raco setup:   /Users/ben/code/racket/fork/racket/share/links.rktd
raco setup:   /Users/ben/Library/Racket/development/links.rktd
raco setup: main docs: /Users/ben/code/racket/fork/racket/doc
raco setup: --- updating info-domain tables ---                    [13:36:02]
raco setup: updating: /Users/ben/code/racket/fork/racket/share/info-cache.rktd
raco setup: --- pre-installing collections ---                     [13:36:02]
raco setup: --- installing foreign libraries ---                   [13:36:02]
raco setup: --- installing shared files ---                        [13:36:02]
raco setup: --- compiling collections ---                          [13:36:02]
raco setup: --- parallel build using 4 jobs ---                    [13:36:02]
raco setup: 3 making: <pkgs>/racket-index/scribblings/main
raco setup: 2 making: <pkgs>/test-more
raco setup: 1 making: <pkgs>/try-catch
raco setup: 1 making: <pkgs>/try-catch/scribblings
raco setup: 2 making: <pkgs>/test-more/tests
raco setup: 3 making: <pkgs>/racket-index/scribblings/main/private
raco setup: 3 making: <pkgs>/racket-index/scribblings/main/user
raco setup: --- creating launchers ---                             [13:36:06]
raco setup: --- installing man pages ---                           [13:36:06]
raco setup: --- building documentation ---                         [13:36:06]
raco setup: 2 skipping: <pkgs>/mischief/mischief/scribblings/mischief.scrbl
raco setup: 1 skipping: 
raco setup: 2 running: <pkgs>/try-catch/scribblings/try-catch.scrbl
raco setup: 1 skipping: <pkgs>/typed-compose/typed-compose.scrbl
raco setup: 3 rendering: <pkgs>/racket-index/scribblings/main/release.scrbl
raco setup: 2 rendering: <pkgs>/racket-index/scribblings/main/start.scrbl
raco setup: 1 rendering: <pkgs>/try-catch/scribblings/try-catch.scrbl
raco setup: 0 rendering: 
raco setup: 3 rendering: <pkgs>/racket-index/scribblings/main/search.scrbl
raco setup: --- installing collections ---                         [13:36:37]
raco setup: --- post-installing collections ---                    [13:36:37]
> vi info.rkt
> vi scribblings/try-catch.scrbl

zsh: suspended  nvim scribblings/try-catch.scrbl
> raco setup try-catch
raco setup: version:
raco setup: platform: x86_64-macosx [3m]
raco setup: target machine: racket
raco setup: installation name: development
raco setup: variants: 3m
raco setup: main collects: /Users/ben/code/racket/fork/racket/collects
raco setup: collects paths: 
raco setup:   /Users/ben/Library/Racket/development/collects
raco setup:   /Users/ben/code/racket/fork/racket/collects
raco setup: main pkgs: /Users/ben/code/racket/fork/racket/share/pkgs
raco setup: pkgs paths: 
raco setup:   /Users/ben/code/racket/fork/racket/share/pkgs
raco setup:   /Users/ben/Library/Racket/development/pkgs
raco setup: links files: 
raco setup:   /Users/ben/code/racket/fork/racket/share/links.rktd
raco setup:   /Users/ben/Library/Racket/development/links.rktd
raco setup: main docs: /Users/ben/code/racket/fork/racket/doc
raco setup: --- updating info-domain tables ---                    [13:44:41]
raco setup: --- pre-installing collections ---                     [13:44:41]
raco setup: --- installing foreign libraries ---                   [13:44:41]
raco setup: --- installing shared files ---                        [13:44:41]
raco setup: --- compiling collections ---                          [13:44:41]
raco setup: --- parallel build using 4 jobs ---                    [13:44:41]
raco setup: 3 making: <pkgs>/try-catch
raco setup: 3 making: <pkgs>/try-catch/scribblings
raco setup: --- creating launchers ---                             [13:44:43]
raco setup: --- installing man pages ---                           [13:44:43]
raco setup: --- building documentation ---                         [13:44:43]
raco setup: 2 skipping: <pkgs>/mischief/mischief/scribblings/mischief.scrbl
raco setup: 3 skipping: 
raco setup: 2 running: <pkgs>/try-catch/scribblings/try-catch.scrbl
raco setup: 1 skipping: <pkgs>/typed-compose/typed-compose.scrbl
raco setup: rendering: <pkgs>/try-catch/scribblings/try-catch.scrbl
raco setup: --- installing collections ---                         [13:45:00]
raco setup: --- post-installing collections ---                    [13:45:00]

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