Boris wrote:
> "John W. Long" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> The Radiant admin will probably always require Javascript.
> So I will probably never be able to use radiant :-(

While it saddens me that you can't find a Ruby solution to meet your 
needs, I'm afraid I have to fall back on the old excuse that I designed 
Radiant to meet my needs and expectations--not yours. Early on I made 
the decision that Javascript would be a requirement to improve the speed 
of development. There are times when there is not an easy way to create 
an alternate representation of the same functionality for browsers with 
Javascript turned off. So I made the decision that we would not support 
it--at least initially.

> So how could I bypass the admin view requiring JS ?  Is there a way to
> manage content offline ?

1. You can create and submit patches to repair the current implementation.

2. You can create an extension which provides a text-browser friendly 
version of the admin.

John Long
Radiant mailing list

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