I was a little late to the game when it came to checking out the Mental  
branch, but *wow* I really like what I see. The extensions are very slick,  
and I can already see myself spending long hours making new ones.

In fact, I've got a few to offer right now.

The first is a simple text filter based on Maruku <URL:  
http://maruku.rubyforge.org/ >. Maruku is very much like Markdown, but it  
has extended HTML support and a number of other goodies. You can download  
it here:
<URL: http://tinyurl.com/yr96bz >

The second is the one that I know a lot of people have been waiting for  
(Florian, I'm looking at you ;) ). This is a WYSIWYG extension based on  
TinyMCE. It's still a work in progress (I want to integrate an asset  
handler) but the basic functionality is all there.
<URL: http://tinyurl.com/2xfegp >

Try 'em out and tell me what you think ... I'll be around on and off over  
the weekend to answer questions or help with problems, so don't be scared  
to ask. It may take a minute to get back to you, but I'll do my best.

Nathan Wright
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