I'm working on a Gallery extension..i created a gallery section in the admin panel (to manage files uploading / sorting etc) and a Gallery page type.. when I create a gallery page i use shomething like this in the body part:

    <li><r:link /></li>
    <li><img src="<r:gallery:thumb width="55" />" /></li>

if request_uri is shomething like:


..it displays the galleries list..

if it is:


it displays the list of images/files in the selected gallery.

I use this code because the body part is displayed by default..
It could be better to split the code in different part..in the body part the code for the galleries and in a 'gallery' part the code used to display the list of files..and then render the right part if in the request_uri there is the id or not.. is it possible using some hack in my gallery model? or i can use another method?


Andrea Franz

Think BigChief: http://think.bigchief.it

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