I'm new to radiant, and I'm trying to migrate several sites over to a
radiant installation. In order to do this, I need to use the virtual domains
plugin, which seems to be having some trouble with 0.6. I don't quite
understand the difference between behaviors, plugins and extensions, but
extensions seem to be becoming the primary way of adding 3rd party
functionality in 0.6. I found this post:
http://www.nabble.com/one-radiant,-multiple-sites,-IIS-t3445856.html which
mentions a 0.6 extension, but I'm having trouble locating it. As is, putting
the plugin available from ThePlant.jp in the plugins folder makes rake
db:migration return an error about Undefined Constant Behavior, and the
patch says it can't find some files. Can anyone point me in the right


-Daniel Fried
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