On Apr 20, 2007, at 4:55 PM, Mathieu Lue wrote:

> I'm having trouble using virtual domains 0.6. I believe that is the
> version that has been updated for the radiant .6 candidate. I am  
> able to
> specify the slug of a default page that I want any requests  
> forwarded to
> the radiant installation to go to. However nothing else seems to work.
> Upon inserting a debugging block of code in the installation and  
> running
> all sorts of inspections on the "@hostname ||=
> Page.request.respond_to?(:host) ? Page.request.host : nil" it always
> returns nil. @hostname is always nil

Is Page.request set to anything?  If not, it means that the  
CacheByDomain module isn't being loaded properly, or the show_page  
method is being overridden by something else.

If it is, then the request doesn't have any host information which is  
just odd.

~~ Brian

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