
    A fast way to output debug info is to just use "puts" in your Ruby
code.  The output will go to the console where you started the server from.
Just put some markers in your output to distinguish it easily from all the

   You can also write to Rails log directly using the @log object.  Then
watch your output with something like "tail -f log/<env>.log".  Or create
your own log with http://www.ruby-doc.org/core/classes/Logger.html (Rails
@log object is of this class).

   For debugging, i recommend you http://www.datanoise.com/ruby-debug/ , it
works great with Rails.  I don't know if there is a GUI on top of that.
"rdebug script/server -e <env>" is the magic command.

   Regarding Radiant internals, you can refer to the source code.  For
example, this is the Page class:
http://dev.radiantcms.org/radiant/browser/trunk/radiant/app/models/page.rb ,
and the missing details are in the effective DB schema:
http://dev.radiantcms.org/radiant/browser/trunk/radiant/db/schema.rb .

   I find myself looking at the standard tags model:
 It's a great source of inspiration.


On 10/25/07, Richard Hurt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'm an old programmer that's new to Ruby [on Rails] and Radiant and I'm
> having debug trouble.  I'm messing with the Back_Door extension and have
> no
> idea how to even output debug info to a log file.  In other languages I
> would use printf() or println() and I think there is a logger function in
> Ruby but I don't know how to use it.  The other thing I would like to do
> is
> breakpoint processing.  Generally I like exploring a new language though
> the
> debugger and walking through object memory.  Things like the "page" object
> in Radiant is a mystery to me right now.  Are there debuggers (graphical,
> interactive) that would help me?  How does everyone else (except Sean :)
> develop Radiant code?  Surely not everyone has memorized the entire object
> model!  :)
> Thanx!
>   Richard
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