On 2008/01/30, at 07:45, Sean Cribbs wrote:

> No, you'll probably have to change the search extension to accommodate
> this, or write some tags of your own in a separate extension.   
> Although
> the core of the multi_site functionality is in the extension, we also
> used it to restrict controllers to specific domains and invoked the  
> Site
> model in other areas of the code.

I had a look at both extensions and took an hour to see if I could  
bend them
into shape. After failing for an hour I decided it was non-trivial  
enough to
set aside for now. I will give it another try again once edge isn't  
to run multi_site, with the Rails 2 branch getting into trunk and all  
changes I imagine are coming it seems like the wrong time for me to  
try this.

Fortunately, I only had one site making use of search and the other  
aren't too heavy on pages so for now I just added a "no-search" page  
Obviously not ideal but gets close enough particularly considering it's
overall negligible impact.

> It is also not always a trivial matter to add a tag around some  
> other tag
> to achieve the effect you want.

The most trivial approach at this point seems like just switching to an
external search service.

> Anyway, I will look into what would be required to make them  
> compatible.
> Sean

Thanks again for your work.


> john muhl wrote:
>> I had three 0.6.4 gem installs that merged into one this afternoon
>> (put two on top of one). Thanks for the work that obviously into this
>> and the shards extensions; I'm by no means a guru in these matters  
>> and
>> the setup took less than an hour.
>> I'm just looking for a little help trying to limit the search
>> extension to the current domain. As it stands a search from domain X
>> returns pages from the other two domains. I looked in the available
>> tags and didn't see any way to use the radius tags to accomplish  
>> this.
>> Are there any new radius tags added with the multi_site extension  
>> that
>> just don't show up in the available tags interface that might be
>> useful? Or some clever way to use the existing tags that I've just
>> overlooked?
>> thanks
>> john
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