Hi Sean,

Does the FCKEditor integration comment indicate that you have a working 
FCKEditor extension for page editing? I have been trying get fckeditor 
working for page editing but the results have been a bit inconsistent.


Sean Cribbs wrote:
> Folks,
> Here's the moment you have all been waiting for (or at least I'd like to 
> think)!  For the past four to five months I have been working with the 
> wonderful team at Digital Pulp to develop the new website for Redken.  
> We are proud to say that it has had its official launch this morning!  
> Check it out:
> http://redken.com
> - and -
> http://redkensalon.com
> It has been an incredible experience working with them, and the Radiant 
> community has greatly benefited.  We have released two new versions of 
> Radiant and numerous extensions during this tenure.  The following 
> extensions were a direct result of my work for Digital Pulp:
> * shards (http://dev.radiantcms.org/svn/radiant/trunk/extensions/shards)
> * related_content 
> (http://dev.radiantcms.org/svn/radiant/trunk/extensions/related_content)
> * reorder, the non-Ajax version 
> (http://dev.radiantcms.org/svn/radiant/trunk/extensions/reorder)
> * scheduler 
> (http://dev.radiantcms.org/svn/radiant/trunk/extensions/scheduler)
> * share_layouts 
> (http://dev.radiantcms.org/svn/radiant/trunk/extensions/share_layouts)
> * multi_site 
> (http://dev.radiantcms.org/svn/radiant/trunk/extensions/multi_site)
> I also intend to release a some more over the next weeks, after they 
> have been cleaned up for public consumption, namely:
> * file_system - Save/load Radiant models to/from the file system so they 
> can be managed in an SCM
> * templates - Structure pages externally and provide a customized 
> interface for editing
> * asset_manager - A full-featured asset manager, with mass upload, asset 
> expiration, usage reports, and FCKEditor integration
> A big thank you and congratulations to all of the team at Digital Pulp 
> (in no particular order) -- John, Justin, Josh, Michael, Alex, Brian, 
> Sarah, David; and to my good friend Scotty Moon who also helped on the 
> project.
> Cheers,
> Sean
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