Nevermind, I must have had something wacky in my config. I started  
fresh with a new 0.6.4 install and brought in my extension, and it  
seems fine now. Sorry for the noise on the channel...


> On 21-Feb-08, at 3:27 PM, Christopher Dwan wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I'm building a rake task to pull all my data from my production db  
>> (MySql) to my development db (SQLite). It works great pulling in  
>> that direction, but when I go to reverse the process, it fails. It  
>> has to do with my plugin that uses attachment_fu.
>> Basically, I have a model Asset that uses 'has_attachment'. This is  
>> the code that doesn't work:
>> "asset".classify.constantize
>> This is the error:
>> NoMethodError: undefined method `has_attachment' for Asset:Class
>> Any ideas what the difference is between production and development  
>> that would cause this to not work?  I can run the server in dev  
>> mode, I just can't run constantize. This error does _not_ happen in  
>> the production environment.  I've tried changing the contents of  
>> config/environments/development.rb with no success.
>> Thanks!
>> -Chris

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