Once again I have an assets extension. This one is not entirely compatible with my previous extension, but you can, with a little work switch it over. I will try to get an update script one of these days.

Paperclip is a new file management plugin from Thoughtbot which has a few advantages over attachment_fu: it doesn't use RMagick, which uses a lot of RAM and is a bit of overkill for just making thumbnails. Instead it directly uses ImageMagick, making it much easier to install. It also offers very flexible asset paths, and using this, I have made the same file structure as attachment_fu. I have also successfully adapted the db tables from the old extension without too much trouble.

To install it, just run rake radiant:extensions:migrate, then run rake radiant:extensions:paperclipped:update to install the javascripts, images and css.

Once installed, you get a new Tab with the entire assets library, a Bucket à la Mephisto (though only the concept is stolen) and a search. You can also easily attach assets to any page and directly upload them to a page.

I have quite a few tags, as well. The standards, including url, title, caption, etc., but also an images:each tag, which will cycle through each image associated with a page. This makes simple Lightbox or other javascript based galleries very easy to set up.

The extension requires 0.6.7 because of the Haml and Shards support. Trunk is better due to a slight (known and fixed) bug when running extensions in dev mode.

Hosted on Git for your forking pleasure.


Feedback, praise and complaints gladdly accepted.

Keith Bingman


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