
I raised the role issue in response to a question regarding SCM'ing 
templates a week or so back...


Anyway, to repost a few relevant points. My first thought was to keep 
the the 3-tier (renaming Developer for Designer) - but juggling some of 
the privileges about. A couple of days later, nearing delivery of a 
site, I actually countered it with a need for 4-tiers (and still 
juggling privileges about).

Jonathan McCoy wrote:
> ...
> In keeping designs and code DRY, we find ourselves using snippets to 
> contain more than user-editable content, and use them heavily for 
> fragments of design logic. As such, we want to keep day-to-day users far 
> away from anything that can cause damage to the site.
> Standard (Pages) -> Designer (+ Snippets) -> Administrator (+ Layouts, Users, 
> etc)

Jonathan McCoy later wrote:
> I've monkey-patched a frozen version of Radiant (0.6.7) with some of the 
> functionality I lusted for above. No testing or a "designer" flag (just 
> put snippets on the Admin/Dev level). I'd be more inclined to assemble 
> patches and tests (to the spec above) if anybody else was interested in 
> it being pushed into the trunk?
> Would be nice to review the user levels available - or if we're all 
> feeling code-happy, granular access control. I can foresee the need for 
> the following roles at least:
> 1. Content Monkey (pages + preferences)
> 2. Designer (+ layouts + snippets)
> 3. Developer (+ extensions)
> 4. Administrator (+ user management)
> ...
> I'd keep the developer flag for the 
> benefit of extensions/plugins that need technical setup. Another 
> question, is whether flags are more desirable than a user-level number 
> (ie 1 to 4) or even a class-name, which can be mapped out to a role 
> name. A popup list with userlevels can be used instead. It removes the 
> uncertainty of having admin flagged, but developer unflagged -> what 
> rights does the user have?!


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