On 2008/06/29, at 21:23, Jim Gay wrote:

On Jun 28, 2008, at 2:35 PM, john muhl wrote:

On 2008/06/27, at 21:02, Jim Gay wrote:

On Jun 27, 2008, at 10:26 PM, john muhl wrote:

I've patched the default Markdown extension....

Looks nice. I've been frustrated by strange parsing bugs, but never looked into it. A more accurate implementation of the syntax gets a warm welcome from me.

If you happen to have samples handy of the Markdown that caused trouble I'd be happy to add them to the test page.

...one particular problem I'm having is that **bold** should be formatted as <strong>bold</strong> but BlueCloth parses it as *<strong>bold</strong>*...

It was actually **12** being parsed as <em>*12*</em> that drove me to plugging in RDiscount. Now I've started documenting the deficiencies in the RDiscount version on the github wiki. I think they're insignificant so far, since there is nothing that will ever get you called by a client irritated about their CMS; unless your clients do crazy nested <div>s in their Markdown :)

For what it's worth the Safari Web Inspector reports 10 HTML errors on the BlueCloth version of the test page, while it reports 1 on the RDiscount version (in the Advanced Inline HTML test which Markdown.pl itself would fail).

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