On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 12:43 AM, Chris Parrish <

> Jim Gay wrote:
>> I haven't yet looked at it. I haven't used Sass much. I like some of the
>> features that it adds, but it removes some control and I'm not ready to
>> tackle it yet since I've run into trouble with Haml and the Help extension
>> (it has some lines that are completely ignored by Haml... but they shouldn't
>> be).
>>  I too have struggled with Haml.  It has some very nice benefits but can
> also be a real pain too.

I've had the same experience with Markaby... I'd love to use it, but there
are too many hurdles. ERB usually ends up being soooo much easier (and
there's no processing cost with ERB).

> That said, I think I like Sass much more than both Haml and regular CSS (I
> still haven't used it enough to have a firm conclusion).  It's much simpler
> than Haml and doesn't have to handle things like running ruby in the middle
> of your template.  And it encourages some very good CSS behaviors.  Worth
> trying for sure.

Here, here. SASS actually provides more control than plain old CSS. Here's
something I did with SASS when on a golden-ratio trip:

// The golden ratio is (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2
// sqrt(5) ~= 2.23606798

!phi = 3.23606798 / 2
!phiinv = 1 / !phi
!phiinvcom = 1 - !phiinv

!fnt_size = 12
!line_height = !fnt_size * !phi

!full_width = 960
!sidebar_width = !full_width * !phiinvcom
!padding = 12
!content_width = !full_width - !sidebar_width - !padding*2

So later on in my Simply Awesome StyleSheet, I have

  :margin 0 auto
  :width = !full_width + px
  :position relative
  :display block
  > hr
    :display none
      :top = !padding * 2 + px
      :right = !padding + px
      :bottom = !padding + px
      :left = !padding + px
    :width = !content_width + px

So the entire layout can scale by changing one variable. Neat, huh?

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